rivers, streams, puddles
Galerie AMB, Hradec Králové
04.06.2019 - 24.06.2019
This spring's theme is water. Water as the basic element it gives and can take life. Water like the river where the festival takes place, it is says Waterfront Artists. Water as what connects Elbe. Water as what connects the whole planet, the quality of the water, its abundance or lack. Water as a Liquid flowing variable of matter, as a symbol, metaphor and global problem.
The June exhibition deals with the theme of water through drawing, painting, objects, glass and installing two different and yet close artists, Miloš Šejn and Lada Semecká. In addition to the theme of water and earth, it is linked by experiment, pedagogical work, interest in art and spiritual principles of Japanese culture and last but not least glass. Glass is a liquid that can be very similar to water. As cold as ice associates ponds, pools, hoarfrost and frost on windows or clouds floating in the sky.
Curated by Martina Vítková

Milos Sejn: Saturnia, 2019
Milos Sejn: TALKING WATER - one minute from a two-hour sound installation - Choir of Priest Ambros in Hradec Králové, June 22, 2019⎪water surface and whisper, recorded in the Giant Mountains August 29, 1991