aktualita LANDSCAPE FESTIVAL PRAGUE 202413|06|2024 - 30|09|2024

The basic idea and goal of the project is to indicate a green line, which with the revitalization of the brownfield of the Žižkov Freight Railway Station will become a path connecting the area of Krenovka (Florenc), the Hill of Holy Cross and a series of non-urbanized wooded areas around the Malešice Forest...

Grand G / Sol

Interactive video sonic installation from 1993 for The LANDSCAPE IN CZECH ART OF THE 17th-20th CENTURIES Exhibition of the National Gallery in Prague in Kinsky Palace, Czech Republic, 2004 - 2008
National Gallery in Prague

The elementary changes in the conception of the arts, represented by happenings, once more drew attention of artists to the world around them, including landscapes... In a yet more simplified form, down to the core of the natural materials of landscape, goes Miloš Šejn. He creates his works either as imprints of landscape materials or as installations in which Nature itself enters the contexts of the arts.

Extract from "New Approaches to Landscape in Action Art, Land Art and in the Ecological Tendencies of Czech Art from the mid-1960s" text by Tomáš Vlček

pdfKrajina v ceskem umeni.pdf
pdfLandscape in Czech Art.pdf
Bohemiae Rosa pointAcademy Archives point

Miloš Šejn | Českých Bratří 312 | CZ-50601 Jičín | T +420 723 701 658 | milos [at-sign]

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